Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Meet Jamie Salsbury!

Yes, you read that correctly. Meet Jamie Salsbury, who writes romance under the name of J.B. Salsbury.  Jamie and I came to know of one another a while ago when she had folks confusing her for me and vice versa. I decided the two of us could have some fun with the similarity.
Jamie's debut novel "Fighting for Flight" is superb. I read it in two sittings. She has a unique writing style, one I found to be a breath of fresh air.

JB Salsbury lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and two kids. She spends the majority of her day as a domestic engineer. But while she works through her daily chores, a world of battling alphas, budding romance, and impossible obstacles claws away at her subconscious, begging to be released to the page.
Her love of good storytelling led her to earn a degree in Media Communications. With her journalistic background, writing has always been at the forefront, and her love of romance prompted her to sink her free time into novel writing.
Fighting for Flight is her first novel in the MMA romance series. The sequel, Fighting to Forgive is in the works!

Here's my interview with Jamie Salsbury (J.B. Salsbury)
Welcome Jamie!  Before we start talking about your book, why don’t you tell everybody a little bit about yourself?

J.B: Hi Jamie!  Thanks for having me on your blog!
Well, there’s not much to tell really.  I’m a mom and wife.  If I were a superhero, my arch nemesis would be laundry. I sing at the top of my lungs when I drive, embarrassing my kids to no end. And I think the ultimate sign of security is dancing in a room full of people with no music.  No. I haven’t mastered that yet.
 Besides writing, what other things do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
J.B.: I don’t have a lot of spare time. As it is, I write at night after my kids go to bed. But I do find time to hit the gym three days a week.  If I didn’t, I'd probably have to be admitted into a psych ward.
Other than the things most people enjoy like going to see a movie or lunching with a friend, I’m addicted to reading romance.  Go figure. J
 What is your daily routine as far as when you have an idea for your story?
J.B.: I wish I had a daily routine.  For now when I get an idea I write it down in my handy dandy idea journal.  I carry it everywhere I go and if inspiration strikes I jot it down.  Stop lights, grocery lines, you name it.  After I put the little ones to bed, I break out the journal and start typing.
 Where do you get your ideas from?
J.B.: Wow!  Everywhere. Some just come to me out of nowhere, others are inspired by the people in my life.  Family, friends, acquaintances, something I hear on the news, a movie, article in the paper…the list goes on.
 Out of all of the stories you’ve written so far, what would be your favorite and why?
J.B.: Um…I’ve only written one. But, I’m working on Blake’s story now and I must say he’s taking me on a wild ride. I had no idea how complex this character was when he first came to me.  But I don’t know if I could ever choose a favorite.  I think my stories are like my kids.  They’re all my favorite.
 Tell us something funny about yourself that not a lot of people know about?
J.B.: Oh, man. This could get ugly. Funny? I’m a natural blond.  I die my hair brown because blonds DO NOT have more fun. 
 Are any of the stories you’ve written based on real life experiences or basically just from imagination?
J.B.: Wow, great question.  My mom isn’t a prostitute nor my dad a pimp, so I’d have to say no they aren’t from my real life experiences.  But, I think the feelings the characters deal with are absolutely from my life experiences.  Raven’s internal struggles are certainly those I think most women have dealt with or known a friend who has. Feeling unworthy, unlovable, not good enough.  To feel worth fighting for, I believe, is at the heart of every woman. There are definitely some character traits and experiences in Layla from Blake’s book that I pulled from my own life, but I can’t give those away yet. J
 Does your ‘muse’ have a name and if so what is his/her name?
J.B.: Ha!  I guess I do.  A name?  Not yet.  But I’ll think about it. 
 What other genre besides the one you are writing about now would you like to venture into writing?
J.B.: You know, I’ve wondered if I could write paranormal romance. I don’t think I have the imagination to pull it off, but I love the idea of writing without rules.  If a character get’s himself into a situation, I don’t have to think of a clever way for him to talk himself out of it…he could teleport.  I love that.  
 Who are your favorite authors that are out now?
J.B.: Wow, how much time do you have?  *sucking in a deep breath*
J.R. Ward, Kristen Ashley, Cherrie Lynn, Elizabeth Reyes, Laura Kaye, CJ Roberts, EL James, JM Darhower, Tammara Webber, Jamie McGuire, and basically any author who writes a kick ass alpha male.
Who is your favorite female and male characters from your books and why?
J.B.: Yeah, again, I can’t pick.  I love them all for different reasons. Even the ones whose stories haven’t been written yet are sitting in my head fully formed and so beautifully flawed. 
 What do you think is the hardest thing about being a writer?
J.B.: For me, it’s doing the characters justice.  Here’s the thing, when they come to me, and I start to write, their stories unfurl and I’m just praying that I’m telling it well enough, using the best words to describe what they’re dealing with, and giving their stories the honor they deserve.  I’m so new to writing that I’m constantly trying to learn new and better ways to tell a story. It’s sounds lame, and probably slightly crazy, but I want them to be portrayed well and I hope my writing doesn’t mess that up for them.
Yep, it sounds crazy. J
 What advice would you give someone who wants to start off being a writer?
J.B.: Read everyday. Write everyday. And join a writing group. My critique partners are invaluable to me.  If it wasn't for them, I’d still be slogging through chapter one of FFF.
 If you hadn’t become a writer, what do you think you would be doing right now?
J.B.: Cleaning. J  Although, I must say, I tended bar all through college and I miss that.  I love the social aspect of bartending. Talking to people all day, hearing their stories, it’s the best job. 
What do you like on a man…..briefs, boxer briefs or boxer shorts or nothing at all?
J.B.: Ha!  Anything my husband’s wearing, or not, works just fine for me. J

Here is a blurb from Fighting for Flight:

What happens when in order to win you're forced to lose?
The only daughter of an infamous Las Vegas pimp, Raven Morretti grew up an outsider. Flying under the radar is all she knows and more than she expects.
Until she catches the eye of local celebrity, UFL playboy, Jonah Slade.
Weeks away from his title fight, Jonah is determined to stay focused on everything he's trained so hard to achieve. But resisting Raven's effortless allure and uncomplicated nature is a fight he can't win. Jonah trades in his bad-boy reputation and puts his heart on the line.
In a high-stakes gamble where love and freedom hang in the balance, a war is waged where the price of losing is a fate worse than death.
Will the hotheaded Jonah be able to restrain his inner fighter to save the woman he loves? Or will Raven be forced into a life she's been desperate to avoid?

Thanks Jamie! Here are the buy links for Fighting for Flight, along with Jamie's Facebook and Goodreads links.
Amazon:  http://www.amazon.com/Fighting-Flight-The-Series-ebook/dp/B00BLADDIY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1364344300&sr=8-1&keywords=Fighting+for+Flight
Barnes & Noble:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/fighting-for-flight-salsbury/1114719348?ean=2940016375977
Smashwords:  http://ww.smashwords.com/books/view/289537
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/JbSalsbury?fref-ts
Goodreads:  http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6888697.Jamie_Salsbury

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